Friday, May 1, 2009

The Joys of Being Unsupervised!

If you're my friend on facebook then you know that I've had a rough last couple of days.  I went to bed Wednesday night with a sore throat and woke up Thursday morning much worse.  I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with strep throat!  I had this ALL the time as a kid so I figured that's what it was even before going to the doctor.  So, I called Bryan and told him the diagnosis. He said, "Okay, you need to go home, go up to our room and rest.  I will take care of the boys because we don't need you getting us all sick!  I will take care of you too!"  I have the greatest husband in the world!!!  So, that's what I did.

That was a little background info.  Here's the part that explains my title:

This morning I had to drive up to The Woodlands for my back treatment.  Bryan was still pretty much caring for the boys and decided to take them up to our church with him because he needed to do a few things.  This is what I was told when we all returned home.  Bryan, Isaiah and Samuel were in the worship center when Isaiah told Bryan he had to go to the potty.  Bryan told him to go and then come right back.  A few minutes later Bryan realized that Sam was missing and he hadn't heard him in a while.  He rushes to the bathroom to find Sam stark naked and splashing around in the urinal!!!  I started cracking up!  Bryan said he was glad I thought it was funny because he pulled a Bobby Knight and yanked him up and spanked him as fast as he could!!!  I then asked where Isaiah was and what he was doing?  Bryan said he was standing there watching and laughing the whole time.  So then, Isaiah got in trouble for not immediately coming to get Bryan instead of fueling the fire!!!

Daddy and Mommy are going on a date tonight because Daddy (after 1 1/2 days of "Mommy" duty) has decided he needs to get away from our little guys for a while!  How sweet of him to invite me along!!!


  1. That's so funny!! Hope you enjoyed your date. :)

  2. TOO funny! That sounds like something my hubby would have done as a kid...both the laughing while his brother got in trouble, and playing in a urinal (EWWW!).

    Glad you are feeling better and that you had such great care!!

  3. The joy of having boys!! This just cracks me up!!
