Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

What an awesome privilege it is to be a Mother.  I thank God for my two beautiful, happy, healthy, rambunctious boys!  I love them more and more with each passing day.  God has truly blessed my life with these two little guys and for that I am FOREVER grateful!

This last Thursday I was able to go to Isaiah's school to attend a "Mother's Tea" with Isaiah.  We had a wonderful time of snacking, drinking tea, taking pictures of friends and even a song from the kids to us Moms.  On the tables there were cards that the kids had made along with a page entitled, "My Mother Is Special."  This was a paper the teacher's had filled in with answers from the kids to questions about their Mom.  Here is what Isaiah said:

My mom is special because:  she plays games with me.
I like it when my mom:  reads me books.
My mom has a pretty smile!  I like to maker her smile by:  my hugs!
My mom is pretty as a:  flower.
My mom is smart!  She even knows:  EVERYTHING!!! (we'll see if he still thinks this in a few more years!)

These are the things I treasure!!!

On another note, I am so grateful for the Mother that God has blessed me with!  I recently completed one of those quizzes on facebook that asked questions about being a mom.  One of the questions was, "Who's the mom you admire most?"  My answer was, "There is no greater mom than my very own - NO GREATER!"  This is SO true.  My mom is not only that, but she is my very best friend with whom I share just about everything!  I only wish I could be more like her.  I hope and pray that one day my son's will feel about me the way that I feel about my mother.  She is truly amazing and I am the luckiest daughter in the world because she is MY mother!  I love you, Mom!

I am also privileged to know some other WONDERFUL mother's that I call my friends!  You are all SO VERY precious to me and I love each of you dearly!  I wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful mother!! Happy Mother's Day!! And Jana too!!
