Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Outdoor Fun

We have had a couple of beautiful days recently - YEA, NO RAIN!!!

Yesterday evening Bryan decided to take the boys outside while I finished cleaning up after dinner. A few moments later I looked out our side window to see just about ALL the neighborhood kids in our yard wrestling with Bryan!  So, I got the camera!  A few minutes later, Bryan came in asking where his big (and by big I mean HUGE) fighting gloves were?  He realized he needed these to help him against all these kids!!!  Here' a few pics of this obviously MALE fun-fest!

Bryan IS in there!  (No, Sam did not hit Daddy with the bat!)

Whew, he escaped!

And, he's back down (however, it looks like HE's winning this one)!

I knew it was bound to happen - a jiu-jitsu lesson!!!

Don't worry, he didn't hurt Chase!

After the above two pics were taken an argument broke out.  You see, Bryan had taught the boys how to score and keep points in jiu-jitsu.  Well, one of the boys keeping score was a brother to one of the boys "rolling" (as they call it in jiu-jitsu) and the "roller" was not happy with the brother's score keeping!!!  Bryan and my boys had come in at this point but they boys were still on our front porch yelling at each other!  Isaiah then took it upon himself to stop this.  He opened the front door and said, "If y'all would stop arguing with each other this would all stop!"  He then shut the door and the yelling stopped!  Good job Isaiah!  I'm sure the arguing wasn't completely over but at least we didn't hear it anymore!!!

If these pics look a little "foggy" you should know that I took them through our window!  Heck no I wasn't going out there!!!  Just think, ALL these boys were inside my house one day not too long ago!  It was a stinky, rowdy, messy group but I survived!!!  So, this was Bryan's turn and I was TOTALLY fine with that!!!

BOYS, BOYS, BOYS everywhere I turn!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your post makes me smile! I can just see you totally surrounded by boys...your own and all the neighborhood kids, too! What fun!
