Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Graduate

Isaiah graduated from Pre-K last night at Bear Creek Baptist Church.  It was a wonderful ceremony.  I still cannot believe he will be in "real" school next year.  He is very excited about "real" school.  He asked me last night when I put him to bed, "How many hours will I be at school next year?"  I told him 7 hours or so.  He said, "Whoa!  EVERYDAY?"  I said yes.  He rolled his eyes and smiled.  He is excited with everything to do about school.  He is in hopes that one day he can ride the bus to school.  Isaiah's Papa (aka my dad) works for Blue Star Bus Sales and Isaiah thinks the school bus is the coolest thing ever!  However, my response to this was, "Isaiah, hopefully you will never have to ride the bus to school and mommy or daddy can take you until you can drive!"  The thought of him being on a public school bus in Houston is TERRIFYING!!!  Actually, the thought of him in the Houston public school SYSTEM is equally as terrifying!  Luckily, we are 95% sure he will attend a charter school in Katy.  I say, "95% sure," because as of last month he was on a waiting list for this school's kindergarten classes.  He is number 5 on the list.  I spoke with another mom from Isaiah's Pre-K class this year (who's daughter is also on the waiting list for this school) who told me that both Isaiah and her daughter are in.  She said she was told that every child was put on a waiting list while the school waited to hear about a possible expansion of the school and that kids on the waiting list who were numbers 1-25 were guaranteed a spot!  We really hope this is true.  We should hear by way of letter sometime in the next couple of months.  If he does not get in we will be forced to send him to a school around our neighborhood which we DO NOT want to do!  Man, this is hard!  I had a great public school experience but school is not what it was WAY BACK THEN!  I am praying very hard that God allows him to get into the charter school but if God needs Isaiah elsewhere then so be it!  Time will tell!

Anyway, we are SO very proud of our little graduate and so excited to see what the future holds for him.  He is such a smart little guy and is truly a joy as a child.  I'm sure God is going to do great and mighty things through my Isaiah!

Here are some pics of this special event!

Isaiah after receiving his diploma!

Walking out after the ceremony.  Such a handsome little guy!

The Graduate and Daddy.

The Graduate and Mommy

Ms. Melissa, Isaiah, and Ms. Dana.  The GREATEST Pre-K teacher's in the world!

Next graduation:  May/June of 2022!!!  YIKES!