Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can I Brag???

Well I'm going to!!!

Isaiah's t-ball team, the Astros, is in the Rookie CHAMPIONSHIP game tomorrow night!!!

Now, you need to know that our little team only won 1 game and tied another the whole season! But, what a comeback they have made. Tuesday night they played and won 14-10 and tonight they won 15-14. Isaiah plays first base. He got 3 (or 4, I can't remember) outs at first on Tuesday night and 2 outs at first tonight. He almost got an out at home but it wasn't a "forced run" so he needed to tag the runner, not just touch the base first. The amazing thing about this was that the ball was overthrown to Isaiah at first base and he had to go over to the fence to get it. As he turned around our coach was yelling for him to run home. The runner on third had already started to home. Isaiah made it to home base BEFORE the runner (from well BEHIND first base)!!! It was incredible if I must say so myself! THEN, it is the top of the 5th inning and we are at bat. We already had a 1 run lead because we got 3 outs before the other team scored their 5 runs (run limit) in a previous inning. Anyway, in this top of the 5th inning, the other team has 2 outs and we have 4 runs so far. So, we needed 1 more run to keep our 1 run lead. Guess who's up to bat? Yup, Isaiah! We have a runner on 2nd and 1st. We only need the 2nd baseman to come in for us to get our 5 runs and keep the lead. Our coach jokingly told Isaiah as he was preparing to bat, "Isaiah, hit it over the fence!" So, Isaiah readies himself and WHAM! He hits it TO THE FENCE! The 2nd baseman scores and we keep our lead!!! Obviously (by my score earlier in this post) we went on to win the game by this one run!!! Everyone was calling Isaiah the MVP after the game. It was a proud moment for this Momma!!! Now, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging too much but Isaiah is pretty darn good at this t-ball/baseball thing. Every time he was up to bat tonight (and most every other game) he hit a double EVERY time. For those of you who don't know what a "double" is (I didn't either before tonight), it is when you hit the ball and get to 2nd base. Two bases it the most you can run in our t-ball league. So, needless to say, we are ECSTATIC and SO VERY PROUD of our little guy and his Astros team!

I'll be sure to let y'all know what the outcome is!!! GO ASTROS!!!




Isaiah receiving his first place trophy!

Our Astros Team!

Good buddy, Jacob (behind his trophy) and Isaiah.


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