Sunday, June 21, 2009

Daddy's Day


I'm sure a lot of you feel this same way, but I am so blessed to have an amazing husband who is also and amazing Daddy! My boys love their Daddy SOOOOOOOOOO much and love that there is an actual day to celebrate him. We've had a busy weekend so the boys and I let Bryan open his Father's Day "stuff" from us on Thursday. Mommy got Daddy some new fight shorts that he was really wanting. The pics below are of what the boys made for him at school.

Isaiah's gift to Daddy. I loved this!

Samuel's gift to Daddy. Samuel's teachers went to Isaiah's class to get his prints on the shirt too! It's so cute!

The boys were supposed to be hugging Daddy but somehow it turned into a sandwich of Sam!

My most favorite of all. Happy Father's Day Beav! We ALL love you!

I am so very thankful too for MY Dad. I told him in his card that I love him even more now that I have kids. Doing things with my kids reminds me so much of all the things we did when I was little. My dad and I are so much alike that when I was younger often times our stubbornness got in the way of our relationship. But, now that I'm older and again, have kids of my own, I am aware of how hard it is to be the "parent" AND the "friend". I believe the "parent" part is what the kids need while growing up and the "friend" part is what is needed when you've done all you can and hope it was enough! I'm proud to say that I had a wonderful "parent" in my Dad growing up and I now have a wonderful "friend" in my Dad now that I'm on my own. Thank you Dad for loving me, disciplining me, teaching me, and being there for me ALWAYS!!!

I am MOST thankful of all for my Heavenly Father. Thank you Lord that You love ME, that You chose ME and that You died for ME. I fail horribly at being the child You deserve, but You chose to look into my heart and KNOW that my heart's desire is to love You more and to show Your love to others. Thank you for letting me be a part of Your master plan to use humanity to be your witnesses to the world. My heart's desire is to be better at being this "witness"! I love you Lord!

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