Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He's A Big Boy Now!!!


Samuel turned 3 in April and from that time on I've been stressing over him being potty trained. I can't remember exactly when it was for Isaiah but I know it was soon after he turned 3. So, I always figured it would work the same for Sam. I know better than this because they two of them are SO different in many other ways!!! So, Sam has been wearing Pull-Ups for quite some time now but for him, they were no different than diapers. Recently we started putting more emphasis on actually pulling the Pull-Up down and using the potty!!! He knew exactly WHAT to do but simply was not interested in doing it. I was getting VERY frustrated.


I kid you not, the VERY NEXT DAY Samuel started telling me, "Mommy, I need to go potty!" And he actually DID need to go! He had a dry Pull-Up that whole day! The next day was going to be a busy one. We were gone away from the house pretty much all day. He told me EVERY time he needed to potty and did not have a single accident. YES!!! Another day with a completely dry Pull-Up. So, the next day was Sunday and again we were going to be away from the house for a bit (to church) and Samuel REALLY wanted to wear "big boy underwear" (Bumblebee to be exact). I was reluctant but decided I would let him try and take his bag with Pull-Ups in it as backup. He did GREAT. No accident! So, here we are on day 5 and still no accidents!!! I hope I don't jinx it but I'm gonna take that leap and say, "Samuel is potty trained!"
I'm SO proud of my little man!

Thank you Lord for answering my prayer. Note to self: Prayer is always a good idea when you're at your wits end. And, if you pray BEFORE you're at your wits end you could save yourself a lot of stress!!!

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