Thursday, July 2, 2009

Baby Beaver #3

Bryan and I are preparing to welcome baby Beaver #3 into our household!!!

I had a doctor's appointment today and the pregnancy test I took 4 weeks ago was confirmed!!! I am 8 weeks pregnant. Today I got to "see" the precious little life growing inside of me. It was really neat because the doctor got so excited during the ultrasound. I mean, she does this day in and day out and sees A LOT of babies. But, when my little one popped up on the screen she showed me the little heart beating and then she said, "Oh, your baby is awake! Hello; hi baby!" SHE WAS TALKING TO MY BABY! Her voice raised to a higher pitch and she had a huge smile on her face! It was so neat to me that SHE too got excited at this little life! She gave me a due date of February 12, 2010 but said we'd keep an eye on that because I "tend to have large babies!" For those of you who don't know, Isaiah weighed 9 lbs. and Samuel weighed 8 lbs. Isaiah was 1 day late (passed his "due date") and I was induced with Samuel (at 39 weeks) BECAUSE Isaiah was big and Samuel was looking the same. So, we'll just have to see what happens in the next 7 or so months.

Bryan is now beyond his "shock" and like me is very excited about this new little one. 4 weeks ago when I took the pregnancy test Bryan came in the bathroom (not knowing I had taken the test) and I just pointed at it (still laying on the counter). He looked down and then looked at me and said, "Are you sure?" I said (pointing at the stick), "I'm pretty sure!" His next response? "Well, shouldn't I go get another test or two? Isn't that what you normally do next?" I laughed and told him I would like to take another test but was pretty confident it would come out the same. It did. Recently Bryan told me it took him a good 2-3 days to get over the shock!!!

We told the boys a couple of weeks ago. Isaiah was VERY excited. Samuel was excited too but I'm not sure how much he really "gets." He is excited to be a big brother like Isaiah is. We told them on a Saturday evening and were going to tell our church congregation the next morning (on Sunday). Sunday morning I was helping Samuel out of the car while Isaiah had run off to talk to someone. Isaiah ran back over to me asking, "Mom, what's my baby sister's name gonna be?" I laughed and explained that we don't KNOW that it is a girl or boy yet. However, I'm taking Isaiah's question as a "sign"!!! Ha! Also, about 10 days to 2 weeks after I got my positive result on the home pregnancy test, I stared feeling nauseated. No vomiting but nausea pretty much all day. I didn't have this with Isaiah or Samuel so it's all new to me and I DON'T LIKE IT!!! The doctor prescribed some anti-nausea medication so hopefully this will help. It better, it was EXPENSIVE!!!

So, we are going to be a family of 5! We can't wait!!!


  1. Yah! Congrats again! So glad you saw a little flickering strong heart beat!

    Welcome to the family little Beaver.

    I do hear that girls cause more morning sickness. It certainly has been the case with my girls. Good for you for getting the meds, I'm going to next time. I suffered through with the OTC stuff.

    See you soon!

  2. I am so excited for you all! Keep us updated on this new little one!! I'm sorry I missed you this week while you were in Lubbock! Funny that we were in Houston while you were in Lubbock.....figures! Hopefully we will catch you next time!

  3. Maybe the baby will be born on my birthday (February 5)!
