Monday, September 7, 2009


Bryan turned the big 3-0 on Saturday, September 5th. Bryan does not like to make a "big deal" of his birthdays so we didn't have any "big" plans. UNTIL about 2 weeks before his birthday. A couple of ladies in our church asked me if I was planning anything special for Bryan's 30th birthday. I hadn't and they thought we should. So, I began thinking. I decided to try to pull off a surprise party! Here are the details...

Last Christmas, a couple in our church gave Bryan and I a gift card to a very nice restaurant here in Houston and along with the gift card was FREE childcare for an evening. Well, we had used the gift card already but never "cashed in" the childcare. So, I emailed this couple and asked if we could have the surprise party at their place and I could tell Bryan that they were going to keep the kiddos for us while he and I went out to celebrate his b-day. They agreed and the plan was set in motion. Since we had received this gift card with a childcare pass, Bryan was not suspicious at all as to why this couple was going to watch the kids. Bryan decided he wanted to go out to eat at Taste of Texas (a VERY nice steak house here in Houston). I was VERY convincing all week that this was what we were going to do and he never thought anything else. So, Saturday night arrived and we headed over to drop off the boys. When we pulled up, Mr. Forbes was waiting for us outside. He had hidden a couple of pieces of candy in his yard for the boys to find. This was also so that Bryan and I could go inside first without the boys running in and seeing everything/everyone and figuring out the surprise before it could be revealed to Bryan. By the way, Bryan left the car running (this is when I knew he really had NO IDEA what was going on)! Bryan and I walked in to find Mrs. Forbes and David and Kathleen (whom Bryan thought were going out to dinner with us) sitting in the living room, chatting. We casually walked in and to Bryan's complete and utter shock, out popped members of our church from the kitchen all yelling, "SURPRISE!" Bryan said, "Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me?" All the guests were sporting "Ninja" headbands as a play on Bryan's jiu-jitsu hobby! Bryan and the boys got one too! Here's a couple of pics of his reaction...

Bryan still a little surprised and me laughing!

Bryan telling me, "You're in so much trouble!"

So, the surprise party was a HUGE success and Bryan was very appreciative for all the work we all had done for him. Here are a few more pics...

The cake (the candles spelled out, "Oh no, the big 3-0").

Bryan let the boys blow out the candles.

I had bought a big "30" sign that guests could leave messages on for Bryan.

Samuel with one of his most FAVORITE people...Kafween (Kathleen)!

Isaac and Isaiah.

Keeping with the "Ninja" theme, Bryan received a ninja sword,mask and two daggers set from one of the guests. I bet you all can guess WHO is loving this now - yes, the boys!!!

Me and the Birthday Boy!

I love you babe! Happy 30th b-day!

And, I DID take him out to eat at Taste of Texas (with David and Kathleen) on Sunday night!!! I had been looking forward to that too!!!


  1. Haha, that's awesome. Rhyan and I tried pulling off a surprise 25th anniversary for my parents a couple of years ago, but didn't keep it a big secret...maybe we need to take some lessons from y'all!
