To say I am excited would be a HUGE understatement!!! I was SO excited and nervous about my appointment today. From the beginning of this pregnancy, I have "felt" I was having a little girl. But, as today's date neared I began to wonder if I really "felt" the baby was a girl, or just WANTED a little girl so badly that I had made myself believe that is what I was having. Bryan thought it was a boy. So, going into the appointment today, I knew one of us would be surprised - I was glad it was BRYAN, not me!!! Isaiah went with us to the appointment today. This was not our plan but we had to pick him up early from school yesterday due to him running a fever. So, we kept him home today, just to keep an eye on him (he's fine and not running any fever today).
Here's how the visit went...
We were called back to the ultrasound room by the ultrasound tech. Since Isaiah was with us she knew I'd had one child and she asked if this was my second pregnancy. I told her that it was my third and we had another little boy. She asked what we thought this baby was going to be and Bryan and Isaiah pipped up, "Boy!" Before I could answer she said, "Well, the odds of that are very good considering you already have 2 of them!" I thought to myself, "Don't tell me that!" So, the ultrasound begins. Isaiah immediately asks, "So, what is it?" The tech explains that it might take a few minutes to determine because sometimes the baby doesn't cooperate. The baby DIDN'T cooperate at first. The baby did NOT want to open it's legs!!! So, the tech began looking at other things like the spine, head, heart, etc. Finally, she went back to try to determine what this little one might be. She looked right at me and in a soft voice said, "It's a girl!" I said, "Are you serious?" She said, "It's DEFINITELY a girl!" I screamed inside so as to keep my composure while still in the doctor's office!!! I turned to Bryan and he has a huge grin on his face and said, "Oh my gosh. I can't believe it!" What was Isaiah's response? He looked at the tech and said, "How do YOU know it's a girl?" I quickly butted in and explained to Isaiah that the tech had gone to school for a long time to know how to do this and she knew EXACTLY what to look for! He was satisfied with that answer. He is VERY happy to be getting a little sister!!! We got quite a few pics and when I have a chance I'll scan them and put them up on here for y'all to see! At the end of the appointment with the tech she asked me if I had big babies. I told her that Isaiah was a 9 pounder and Samuel was an 8 pounder (and he was a week and a half early). She said, "Well, this one is no different; she's a big baby!" I then had to see my doctor so she could measure me and go over the ultrasound pics and info. First thing she did was look at the ultrasound pics and said, "Wow, this is a big baby girl!" So, apparently she is thriving inside of me! I'm totally fine with that and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE bigger babies. I asked about induction and the hospital policy. My doctor informed me that I could not be induced prior to 39 weeks but that at that point if I wanted to be induced I could be. I was induced with both Isaiah and Samuel so I know what to expect with that. We'll just have to wait and see.
It was now time to call the grands!!! I called my mom first and we put the phone on speaker so we could all hear her reaction. Isaiah said, "Nana, Mommy's having a girl!" My mom was/is ecstatic!!! We then called Papa (the same way) and he too was beside himself happy! Bryan called his parents and let Isaiah tell them the news. Grandpa answered and Isaiah said, "Grandpa, what would you like to name your new granddaughter (he asked Mamaw the same question when she was summoned to the phone)?" They too were very happy with our news!!!
We then went to lunch to celebrate before I had to go pick Sam up from MDO. Sam was still asleep when I arrived to get him so he was kind of "out of it" when we left. When we got into the car I said, "Sam, Mommy went to the doctor today and you and Bubba are going to have a little sister! The baby in my belly is a girl!" He said, "Oh, but I really wanted the baby to be a boy!" I told him I was sorry but that he was getting a little sister. He really is fine with this and I know he will love his little sister!!!
I already made a purchase today...a baby book. It is PRECIOUS and it's ALL GIRL! I found it a couple of weeks ago when I was out browsing in a children's boutique not far from our house. They had the same one for a boy (in boy colors, of course) but I was more drawn to the girl one (there's that "feeling" again)!!!
So, today has been a WONDERFUL day and I am so thankful to God for allowing me to have my little princess!!! Now instead of counting down the weeks until we found out what we were having, we will be counting down the weeks until we get to meet our little girl -
Lexi Lee Beaver
Aw! I'm so excited for y'all! I bet she'll be a real cutie, just like Samuel and Isaiah. :)
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you!! Girls are so much fun...the shoes, bows and the cute little outfits! Enjoy and Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteSo exciting! Send me a message with you mailing address okay!!
ReplyDeleteOh and the bows are from Jennifer Carroll, I pretty sure you know her if not let me know and I can get you in touch. And I LOVE her name!!