Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Princess is here...

Everyone, meet the newest member of the Beaver Family, Lexi Lee Beaver. She was born Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 10:13pm. She weighed 7lbs. 8oz. and was 19 1/2 in. long.

Here's the story of how she came into this world...

Sunday started like any normal Sunday. We went to church, had lunch, and came home to have a relaxing afternoon. Everyone at church that morning was asking how I was feeling, how much longer I had, etc. One young girl asked, "Misti, when is your baby going to come?" I said, "I hope today!"

After lunch with some friends, we headed home. I stopped by Michael's in hopes of finding some supplies to make the boys "Big Brother T-shirts" but had no luck. I thought to myself, "Oh well, I'll just go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow." That didn't happen! We had been home for a little while and I decided to go ahead and prepare the boys Valentine's things for their parties next week, so I would have this all done when the baby came and wouldn't have to worry with it. Isaiah helped with his and I prepared Sam's while he watched a movie upstairs. Bryan was at the kitchen table working on our taxes. We completed the Valentine's and I went into the kitchen to put them away while Isaiah headed upstairs to join his brother (by this time both boys had changed into dress up clothes - Isaiah was Storm Shadow and Sam was Spiderman). I was standing in the kitchen, having a conversation with Bryan while straightening up things when I felt a "gush" and COULD NOT STOP IT!!! I said, "Um, Bryan..." He turned to see me standing in an awkward position and unable to move and said, "Yeah?" I said, "My water just broke!" Bryan jumped up and said, "What do you need?" I said, "A towel would be great!" He ran upstairs, telling the boys to change their clothes and that we were going to the hospital for Mommy to have Lexi! For some reason Bryan had been in some sort of denial and hadn't yet prepared a bag for himself. However, Mommy had her things (Lexi's too) and both boys packed and ready at a moments notice. It didn't take Daddy long to catch up though. After I cleaned myself up, best I could, we hopped in the car and headed out. We had arranged for the boys to go to a couple from our church's house in case "this" happened and neither of our parents were here yet. We dropped off the boys and headed to the hospital. We arrived and got all situated. I was checked and was at 3cm and the baby was low. Potocin was started about 7:30 as my contractions were still far apart and was at 4cm by this time. At 8:30 I decided to go ahead with an epidural because the contractions were getting stronger, closer together and the doctor was available to give it to me at that time. At 9:00pm I was completely numb on my right side and very comfortable over there BUT, my left side was a different story! I could still feel EVERYTHING on my left side. The doctor came back in, turned me over to my left side and topped off my epidural (hoping it would all go to the left side). He told me this could take up to 15 minutes to "kick in", that he would come back in 15 minutes and check on me, and that if it hadn't helped he would have to re-do the epidural. He walked out of the room and I felt a very strong contraction, felt Lexi drop down and said, "She's coming out!" The nurse checked me (while still on my side hoping for the epidural to kick in) and said, "You're fully dilated and she is RIGHT there!" It took a few minutes and several more painful contractions before the nurses and doctor got everything prepared for the birth. My legs were placed into the stirrups, handles were raised for me to hold on to while I pushed, and the nurse told me to push with the next contraction. I pushed once, twice and her head was out. I pushed once more and she was born!!! It was SO fast and I was SO thankful!!! My parents left Lubbock about 30 minutes after I called to let them know my water broke and arrived at the hospital at 1:30am!!! My precious mom stayed both nights in the hospital with me and her new granddaughter. Bryan and my dad brought the boys up to meet their sister on Monday morning. Isaiah is completely smitten with her and does not want to be away from her for one moment. Samuel was happy to see her but then was more impressed with my hospital room and what all he could get into while he was there!

Our stay in the hospital was wonderful and my healing process is going very well. Lexi is AMAZING. She simply does not cry (yet!) and is just a pleasant princess!!! She is eating 2oz. every 3 1/2 to 4 hours and sleeping in between. We are glad to be home and all back under the same roof as a new family of 5! My parents are here for this entire week (PRAISE THE LORD) and Bryan's parents are coming to stay next week. I am SO thankful for our wonderful families and their willingness and ability to come help us out as we all adjust to our new lives!

Thank you all so much for your prayers and warm wishes. We are all in love with our new daughter, sister and granddaughter!!!

Welcome to the world Lexi Lee!


  1. Yah! Thanks for sharing! We can't wait to meet her!

    What a cute outfit!!!

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....I love her already!!! I want to hold her!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you and Bryan..and the big brothers!!! yay!!!

  3. She is such a sweet lil baby! I'm so happy you guys! Congrats again! (LOVE that outfit!)

  4. So beautiful!!! I am happy all went well!!! Hope to see you ladies again soon!!
