Thursday, January 28, 2010

38 Week Appointment...

Today was my weekly doctor's appointment. I was SO hoping I had progressed "some"! Earlier in the week I had a lot of menstrual-type cramping and my tummy would get "hard as a rock" at times. I told Bryan last night that I was going to be a little disappointed if I hadn't progressed at all BUT that I wouldn't be too upset because if nothing else, I have only 11 days until Lexi will be born. So, back to the doctor's appointment. I have progressed to 3cm (from 2cm last week) and she has "dropped" a bit more since last week's appointment too! Yea for progress!!! Secretly I was hoping to be at 4cm and for the doctor to say, "Go on over to labor and delivery and get checked in." No such luck! I had my bags with me so I was ready! And, I'll be ready when the time comes. Another thing the doctor said was that she thinks Lexi will weigh about 8 1/2 lbs. That would exactly split the difference between Isaiah and Samuel! I hope she's right! I'm scheduled to go back to the doctor next Tuesday (2/2) but the doctor told me she wouldn't be surprised if I didn't make it until then! As I was checking out and scheduling my next appointment, the receptionist said, "Do you think you're gonna make it to your next appointment?" I said, "I hope not!" She said, "I don't think you will!" I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!! I can't wait to see and meet little Ms. Lexi!
