Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"I'm Sam and I'm 4 now!"

Samuel Bryan Beaver turned 4 years old on April 17, 2010. For this mommy, this is incredibly hard to believe! Time has flown by and we are thoroughly enjoying the ride. I vividly remember my 20 week ultrasound when I was told that Beaver baby #2 was a "boy"! I remember saying, "Really?" The thought of having 2 boys never crossed my mind. (I also remember looking at Bryan and saying, "You know that means we'll have to have another one.") Growing up, I always thought I'd have a boy and a girl and be done. I'm SO glad God had other plans for me (us). What an enormous blessing Samuel is. He is the typical second child. He is very outgoing, has high energy and is quite stubborn at times. However, he is also very loving. I could stare into those big, beautiful eyes for hours! I love that Bryan or I cannot leave the house without a hug and kiss from Samuel. I love that the first thing Samuel wants in the morning is a hug and a "Good Morning" from Mommy. I love that Samuel thinks his big brother hung the moon and wants to do everything he does. I love to hear Isaiah and Samuel playing games together and giving each other hugs and high-fives when one of them does a "great job"! So, was I surprised to be told, 4 1/2 years ago, that I'd be having another boy? Yes. How do I feel about that today? Words cannot describe the joy that Samuel brings to my (our) life!

We love you Sam-Sam!!! Happy 4th Birthday!!!

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