Sunday, May 2, 2010

3 Months...Really?

Lexi Lee time is going by too fast. You are already 3 months old! What a delight you are precious girl. Daddy said just the other day, "She gets cuter every day!" I couldn't agree more. Here are a few of your stats:

~You are eating 4 or 5 oz. every 3 hours.

~You are still sleeping very well at night, sleeping 8 to 10 hours. You are doing much better napping in your crib during the day. You still love to be swaddled to sleep, so much so that our cousin, Becca, made us an adorable, big "swaddling" blanket. Thanks Becca!

~You are wearing size 1 diapers but I think we'll be up to size 2 pretty soon!

~You are wearing size 3-6 mo. clothes. Some are a little big but you are a long little gal!

~You are continuing to smile, coo and every now and then we think we hear a little laugh. Daddy can't wait for you to laugh out loud!

~You love your play mat and have learned that "batting" at the sunshine face, hanging from the middle, makes fun noises come out!

~You still are NOT a fan of tummy-time. However, you are very good at holding your head up when on someone's shoulder or sitting (assisted) in someone's lap.

Daddy, Mommy, Bubba and Sam love you so very, very much. We can't wait to see what you're up to next month!!!

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