Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mr. Math

Isaiah had his Kindergarten Awards Ceremony this week at school. He was given the "Math" award by his teacher, Mrs. Beane.

(he had his final baseball game of the season the same night, hence the uniform)

Close up...

Isaiah LOVES math, so I was not surprised that he was chosen to receive this award. We have a little "game" we play where I say to Isaiah, "Okay, you are 23 years old so how old is Lexi?" Then, I'll turn the question around or use his and Sam's ages. It's really fun to "watch" his little mind working it all out. He has excelled in just about every area of school this year. He is reading quite well and has greatly improved his writing and coloring. I still can hardly believe he will be a FIRST grader in a few short days!!!

Isaiah, Mommy and Daddy love you and are so very proud of you!

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