I went in for my 36 week check-up today and everything is great! My blood pressure is excellent and Lexi's heart rate was just over 140 bpm. I was examined and found that I am not dilated at all but am beginning to "soften," and the baby's head is down. YEA!
I was induced with both Isaiah and Samuel so I really feel like I will be induced with Lexi as well. Isaiah was 4 days past his due date when I was induced (due to high blood pressure) and weighed in at 9 lbs. I was induced with Samuel because Isaiah was a large baby and Samuel was suspected to be the same. So, 11 days before Sam's due date I was induced and he weighed in at 8 lbs. My doctor says Lexi will follow suit and be a large baby so she has no problem inducing me, but I have to be at 39 weeks. This is the hospital policy unless it is medically necessary to induce before this time. So, we discussed induction today and I was told that if Lexi does not come before, I will be induced on Monday, February 8, 2010! This shaves 4 whole days off our little countdown we have going!!! Part of me would like to go into labor since I never have before. But, the "planner" part of me wants to be induced so that I can be "prepared" and our families can be here for the big day! I guess we'll just see what GOD has in store!
I now go to the doctor every week for check-ups. I can definitely tell that I am nearing the end of this pregnancy. I feel HUGE and sometimes Lexi's movements take my breath away for a few short seconds. My ankles are starting to swell a little and it's getting tougher to sleep at night because I have to go to the bathroom SO often!!! While all of these things are annoying, they are also very exciting because they mean the end is nearing. I just can hardly believe that in 25 days (or LESS) I'll be holding my daughter in my arms!!!
4rth of JULY!
7 years ago
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