Christmas came and went so fast! If you've read previous posts, you know that we were confined to our home this year for Christmas instead of traveling as we usually do. I never really realized how much I enjoy traveling and being "home" for Christmas. It can be hectic traveling to Lubbock, Wichita Falls, and Duncan, Oklahoma but oh how I missed it this year! So, since we were stuck here in H-town, our family came to us. My parents arrived about lunchtime on Christmas Eve and stayed through that Sunday morning. It was VERY special to have them here and for them to see the boys get their presents from Santa. Santa was VERY good to our boys this year! Isaiah got a PSP and Samuel got a Leapster 2. Then, they both received a brand new NBA basketball goal! Santa WAS good but Papa and Nana were better! As they do every year, they went WAY overboard with the presents (but we loved every bit of it)!!! We had A LOT of fun over the next several days, playing with all the toys received! The day after Christmas, my mom and I went shopping for Bryan's and my "main" Christmas gift(s). My parents decided they wanted to buy us the crib and changing table we had picked out for Lexi. I was VERY excited about this and couldn't wait to get them. We brought them home and put my dad to work ASAP assembling them both. They are perfect and I couldn't be happier with them! I'm waiting until the nursery is completed to post pics so be patient!!!
Bryan's parents arrived on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. We went to the grocery store and got some goodies for the evening. We told the boys earlier in the day that they could stay up to see the ball drop in NYC, but didn't really think they could make it! WELL, THEY DID! We all counted down the seconds and then toasted our sparkling white grape juice in plastic wine glasses. Bryan and I kissed, Gil and Donna kissed and Isaiah and Samuel kissed! Oh, the brotherly love! Then we blew our noise makers! Earlier in the day Samuel had a great idea to make "clock cookies" for New Year's Eve. He had gotten this idea from a Max and Ruby episode (a cartoon he loves to watch). So, I gladly did this for him and they turned out really cute, see:

This pic was taken on my iphone so I could send it to my mom. I apologize for the quality! We had a great little "ringing in of the New Year!" Almost immediately after this, we were all ready for bed. Well, our neighbors were just getting started! As I mentioned earlier, we are usually traveling on New Year's and have never experienced our neighbor's excessive "ringing in of the New Year" as we were so lucky to this year! We expected to hear fireworks lingering into the night and were fine with that. What I did not expect however was for the people who live directly behind us (and that we share a back fence with) to have their entire street over to their house to party it up! They had a DJ complete with sound system and all! We could hear every beat and it got annoying REALLY fast! I must've dosed off at some point (don't ask me how) but was rudely awakened at 2:30am to Beyonce's "If You Like It Then You Shoulda Put A Ring On It!" You see, our wonderful back fence neighbors evidently were hot and decided to open their back door some fresh air! WHAT??? I laid there and listened to several more songs and finally told Bryan I could not take it anymore and asked him if we could call the police. He got up and said he would take care of it. He came back a little while later and said he had gone over there!!! He said there were a lot of kids in the front yard (popping fireworks) and he told them to tell whoever was inside to please close the back door because we were trying to sleep. He said they looked at him with a blank stare and never said a word. Well, they must've told "whoever" because the back door was closed and we were back to the thumping of the bass only. All of this didn't completely subside until 4:30am!!! I was not a happy person!!! I am continually amazed at people's lack of respect for others!
New Year's Day was spent doing not much of anything. I did however, take down and put away all of the Christmas decor. Everything always looks bare for a couple of days following the "great take down!" I do like it when everything is back to normal though!
So, that brings us to today. Bryan's parents left this morning before we headed to church. Now we are all relaxing and watching some football. I'll have to say that I am looking forward to NEXT Christmas and being able to travel and spend it like "normal!" AND, looking forward to the arrival of our precious little girl in just over 5 weeks now!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you have a WONDERFUL 2010!!!
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